On Hand Writings & The Big Chop

Hey guys, its me again! Remember me? Your best friend?, LOL

A lot has happened since the last time, but before I catch you up, lets do this quick little handwriting tag. Since Mfon @daintyM could not be bothered to tag me, I decided to tag myself. Apparently you’re supposed to write a few things in your handwriting and post it on here, so here goes:


I actually had fun writing this, I don’t remember the last time I actually sat down to put pen to paper and to write something, I am so used to taking notes on my phone. I can only hope my handwriting is legible enough. OK that’s a lie, I wrote my grocery list today, but it was barely legible.

In other news, I haven’t written in so long because I would have bled all over the pages and it might have been a little sad, and maybe hard to decipher. But as always, I have risen above and I am also working on a way to share my struggles and victories with you guys, so that even if it encourages only one person I can rejoice in it.

I cut my hair! So I took the plunge and did the big chop, and I must say it is the most therapeutic thing I ever did, I didn’t think I could and other than the slight twinge of emotion I felt when I saw all my hair on the floor, I haven’t had a single moment of regret and can I just say that feeling the water run down my head everyday in the shower is THE BEST FEELING EVER!!!


So this is it guys, watch this space though, I will post some stuff this weekend and it will be good!



“Irony, we want our handwriting to look like typed fonts, and our computer fonts to look like handwritten text.”
Vikrmn Corpkshetra

“How to get over your EX? Get over him that’s how!”-random lady on the bus

 (totally unrelated to this post, but watch this space this weekend)

15 Replies to “On Hand Writings & The Big Chop”

  1. Very nice handwriting! Look somewhere like mine though with a different style though. And yes you really look good with your big chop. Those gorgeous eyes though! Lol.

    PS: Pls the avatar link to your blog is kinda linking back to a non functional blog. Pls kindly fix this. Actually its linked to *adaugosdiary* instead of *adaugodiary*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. She said I couldn’t be bothered to tag her! 😦 😦 In my defense, I knew your handwriting was fine (I know that sounds cheesy) But really, I like your handwriting. I’m usually not a fan of the big chop but you rock it so well and you look fabulous girl! ❤ ❤

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