This One..

This one is for the exhausted mum, with tired eyes, pushing her two toddlers in their double stroller, trying her best to meet up with the bus.. I hope you get some rest when you make it home.

This one is for the kind man who gave up his seat for her on the packed to the brim bus. I hope someone, somewhere does something kind for you too.

This one is for the dignified gentle man, wheeling through downtown Toronto in his motorized wheelchair , his sky blue eyes, crinkled in the corner, paying rapt attention..I hope you make it home okay..

This one is for the striking young lady in her egg shell power suit, who sauntered past me in a whiff of lavender and roses..I hope you shatter all the glass ceilings because your suit was sharp!..

This one is for the care free couple, walking hand in hand, laughing, twirling, kissing, not a care in the world..I hope your love stands the test of time.. I hope you’ll always be happy..

This one is for the young man sitting on the floor, his sad eyes looking up into the sky, probably looking for answers to the questions only he knows, I hope you find your way off the floor, I hope you smile again, I hope you make it somewhere safe and warm for the night..

This one is for me, happy because I found my muse in the mad rush home, because my tired eyes still saw the beauty that was all around me, happy to be heading home after a long 9 hour shift, happy that my eyes can see because people watching is a beautiful thing, and grateful that the sun will rise tomorrow and we will try again.. Happy.

10 Replies to “This One..”

  1. I see Toronto’s rush hour through your eyes tonight. Now take a peek at Naija through mine , “This one is for the Father of two, who can’t fathom why petrol subsidy removal is affecting his budgeting for the month of June. I do hope he finds balance and the willpower to push on.

    This one is for the Uber driver who sold his car in a blind leap of faith, hoping to skill up in time to get another form of gig work. I do hope all my dreams come true!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happiness is not a long stretch of time without worry. Its a string of happy moments that come when you are able to see the brightness in the grey.
    I’m glad you had a happy day.

    Liked by 1 person

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