Oh Danielle!…


I think my obsession with Danielle Steel’s books is a universally known fact. Been reading her books for over ten years now and I own a lot, seventy to be precise. There’s just something about her books that makes me happy. Danielle doesn’t write the typical boy meets girl, boy falls in love with  girl and they live happily ever after, no. With her, its girl meets boy, boy falls in love with girl. Girl dies! Or they get a divorce, or there’s an accident and boy goes blind, I could go on and on. I know it sounds a little sad but it’s not, and I think that’s life because plans fall apart, things change, people fall out of  love, accidents happen. Nobody really lives in a bubble filled with rainbows and unicorns or happily everafters. Life happens and it pokes a hole in the bubbles we so naively build around ourselves.


So out of the blues one day I sent her an email and I forgot about it. I never imagined she would reply me, much less send me an autographed picture and a letter. Oh you already know I lost my mind screaming and dancing like a drunken fellow. I was so happy and of course I put them up on my wall. So I thought I would share, and that’s really what this post is about. *covering my face* I’m finding joy in all the little things, we all should…

Peace & Love

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